About Emily

I love lists so here quick one that pretty much sums me up...

-Born/raised in San Diego ~ I love it, miss it, and will return someday
-Grew up in the same house until I was 21 and since then have moved 6 times in 3 states ~ hoping to slow this one down a bit
-Road-tripped around the country with a Rand-McNally and no cell service ~ crazy to think about now with our phones glued to our hands
-Love taco shops ~ like a kid loves cake
-Favorite show: Jeopardy ~ If it's on, and you're around, we will play along
-Have a twin sister ~ we are nothing and everything alike simultaneously 

About Powley Photo

I am Emily, I am Powley Photo. I am not going to sit here and write in third person to try and convince you that I am some big and important entity that cannot write their own bio. What I am is a passionate photographer that works her ass off. I strive to outshoot myself at each event, or session, and walk away with photographs that will make you feel and make you think. I photograph with intention.

Alongside the mental list of 100s of "standard" photographs for a wedding day I look for the other moments. They don't have to be pretty either. It's about the story. Each wedding day has a narrative that is filled with it's own unique cast of characters and wonderfully interesting asides. That is what I aim to capture. While I appreciate a perfect sunset lit portrait (with a cascading veil and just the right amount of wind) as much as the next person, to me that is not what it is all about. It's about making those subtle and silly moments to shine just as brightly as the main events. Whether it be the look in your grandmother's eye when you put on her bracelet for your "something old" or when you and your friends get crazy on the dance floor, I intend to make a picture of it.

How I Work

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